“Own You!”– DIY Learning is Missing Link in Employee Empowerment & Continuous Skill-Building

Melissa Pollock
Melissa Pollock
V.P. Client Success | AmplifAI
“Own You!”– DIY Learning is Missing Link in Employee Empowerment & Continuous Skill-Building

We went from Nike’s motivational, ‘Just Do It’, to the individual affirmative, ‘Do You’, to what I’m proclaiming as the empowering, ‘Own You!’

Contact center employees both onsite and @home are begging us to give them tools to better perform the jobs we hired them to do. I’m not just talking about equipment, procedures, and resources. I’m talking about ongoing, supplemental skill-building, and the accessibility and empowerment to engage in self-learning that has immediate value to both employee and customer.  

This is the new DIY Learning culture. Think about it – as consumers, what do we do when we want to learn something? We google it. And in under 5 minutes, we’re watching a video and learning to change a garage door opener, plant a palm tree, take the cover off a laptop…. anything!  We’re all used to having access to information that gives us instant enhancement!

Organizational learning though, is still largely formal, structured, and long – ranging from 30 to 60 minutes, even several hours. It’s brilliant for new hire onboarding and other types of foundational training, but to pull someone who’s struggling with a customer-handling issue right now, out of their workflow into an hour class, with an expectation that they retain, extract and apply new behaviors on their next customer interaction, is largely unrealistic.  

We need to design and deliver content that mirrors consumer-like learning – and at AmplifAI, we launched an effort to do exactly that nearly two years ago; we started writing and producing ~5 minute multi-media “micro-learning” videos.  We design them to provide precise behavioral clarity - a very granular level of step-structured instruction on a topic, with examples of how to perform it.

The DIY Component though is where AmplifAI’s technology is really doing something special – we take our micro-learnings, these smart little segments of succinct skill-building, and associate them with the metrics and behaviors they affect, and then we put them into our Performance Acceleration Platform – so when a contact center agent is struggling with showing empathy for example, the AmplifAI platform will automatically push them related content that is short enough and specific enough, to help them immediately improve.

We’re empowering people to take independent action on their learning opportunities by providing DIY Learning that mirrors a consumer-like learning experience – and the AmplifAI platform automatically distributes individually relevant content, right to each persons’ AmplifAI Agent Dashboard, in the form of fun, multimedia, micro-learning videos that teach, in under five minutes, how to demonstrate empathy! Or how to listen and acknowledge. Or respond to a sales objection. Or any behavioral or procedural skill that plays a part in your customer interactions.

The platform also presents learning content to supervisors when they coach on a behavior that has related micro-learnings – thus equipping them with the same learning that was provided to the agent, which they can use as training aids during their 1:1 session. This reinforces the agents’ self-learning, as well as eliminates the need for supervisors to be experts at explaining how to perform every skill.

And Supervisors, we didn’t forget about you! Our newest micro-learning series is on Behavior-based Performance Coaching for frontline leaders - so we’re dishing up the DIY learning for you too!

So, for all the do-it-yourselfers out there, it’s time to Own You!

And for us as employers and leaders, it’s time to empower our people to act on their own learning and performance opportunities!

Send us an email to learn more about our micro-learnings! Check out the AmplifAI Overview Video or ask for an Online Demo.

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Improved Performance & Customer Experience
Month over month gains in Issue Resolution,
FCR and NPS;
Month over month reductions in Handle times,
ACW and Hold
Winning additional client headcount
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8-point reduction in turnover
Improving financial performance
10% increase in utilization


The future of success in your contact center is contingent on how you impact performance in ways that are both immediate and sustainable. And it doesn’t matter whether your agents are on-site, at-home, full-time, part-time, or temporary – you must deliver on performance.

Coaching is one of the most significant tools we can use to deliver on the engagement and performance of our people – but we must develop our processes, our people and leadership skills, and our technology tools, in order to overthrow the pervasive challenges to achieving greater coaching effectiveness and supercharging contact center performance!

Unlock the potential of your employees and skyrocket your ROI with cutting-edge coaching.

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Connect with the authors:

Melissa Pollock Customer Success at AmplifAI

Jim Rembach President at CX Media

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Melissa Pollock

Melissa Pollock

V.P. Client Success | AmplifAI
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Melissa Pollock is the VP of Client Success at AmplifAI. She brings over 20 years of expertise in contact center performance management. Renowned for her knowledge in behavioral science and performance management, Melissa is instrumental in enhancing call center metrics, improving operational efficiency, and driving revenue growth for organizations big and small. Her strategies effectively boost team performance, agent retention, and overall quality and compliance in the world's largest contact centers.

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