The AmplifAI Effect: Measurable ROI

48 Hours saved in coaching prep monthly
Dashboards eliminated the need for manual data pulling
49% Less Documentation Time
Templates and AI streamline documentation process
30% More Efficient Coaching
Better insights lead to better coaching in less time

Chewy Sets Goal to Reach Peak Coaching Efficiency

Chewy prides itself on delivering exemplary customer service. Serving a vast clientele, this retailer understands the nuances of customer interactions and the pivotal role of agent coaching in ensuring service excellence.

With its expansive operations, the company faced a unique challenge. How do they ensure efficient and effective agent coaching without getting bogged down in time-consuming administrative tasks?

The retailer was dealing with a major bottleneck. Supervisors dedicated hours on end to tasks like report preparation and documentation which put the actual coaching time to the backseat. When they learned about AmplifAI’s AI-driven performance enablement software, the pet product company thought this could be the solution they needed.

Identifying Challenges to Positive Call Center Coaching Results

The online retailer documented the time needed to complete each step of their coaching process. While they uncovered a lot of information, a couple of areas stood out as significant barriers to better coaching:    

  • Report Preparation: Supervisors spent an average of 4.75 hours each week solely to pull reports and consolidate all the data. This process was manual, labor-intensive, and often involved sifting through multiple data sources to identify relevant information.
  • Post-Coaching Tasks: Documenting coaching sessions involved meticulously recording feedback, noting areas of improvement, and planning follow-up sessions. These follow-up sessions required their own report prep and documentation process as well. Combined, post-coaching tasks took up 3.5 hours a week on average.
  • Agent Coaching Sessions: The crux of the coaching process, agent sessions, took up a significant 8.25 hours per week on average. The sessions, though essential, often took even more time since supervisors lacked actionable insights and a structured approach to coaching.

Overall, the entire coaching process was taking supervisors 19.25 hours each week – nearly half of their weekly working hours. 

Given the emphasis the pet product supplier places on customer service and quality coaching, the online retailer faced a challenge. How could supervisors reduce time spent on the administrative aspects of coaching while improving the quality and efficiency of the coaching itself?

The retailer sought to shift the focus from the lengthiness of the coaching process to the value it brought. When they discovered AmplifAI’s AI-driven performance enablement software, it seemed to align perfectly with their goals.

Online Retailer Turns to Everyday AI to Streamline Contact Center Coaching Process

With a reputation for transforming coaching dynamics, AmplifAI's platform promised to be the solution the retailer was seeking to elevate their coaching efficiency. 

The platform's power was evident from the outset. Integrated dashboards, AI-driven insights, and daily scorecard updates streamlined tasks that previously consumed most of the week. Tasks that previously took hours were now accomplished in a fraction of the time.

Call Center Sees Rapid Results and Efficiency Gains in Coaching

With AmplifAI in play, Chewy saw dramatic improvements across their entire coaching process:

  • Streamlined Report Preparation: AmplifAI's integrated dashboard brought all of their KPIs under one roof. Instead of spending hours pulling data from disparate sources and consolidating it together, supervisors could now access all relevant information in real time, saving 2.3 hours each week. That’s a time-saving increase of 48%!
  • Improved Coaching Documentation: With AmplifAI, the documentation process was revamped. Automated templates and AI-driven insights reduced the time spent on documentation by an hour each week. The platform provided concise summaries, highlighting key takeaways and actionable feedback, ensuring that supervisors could focus on the essence of the coaching content and reducing the combined time spent on these tasks by 49%. 
  • Optimized Agent Coaching Sessions: AmplifAI's AI-driven insights and targeted coaching approach transformed the agent coaching sessions. Supervisors were equipped with precise data, enabling them to provide tailored feedback and actionable steps for agents. Instead of the usual 8.25 hours, sessions were now more focused and actionable and only took 5.8 hours – a time saving of 30% each week.

Overall, Chewy was able to reduce the original combined 19.25 weekly hours spent on coaching processes down to just 7.2 hours! This means supervisors have 62% more time to dedicate to their agents, provide effective coaching, and ultimately deliver a better experience to their customers.

Achieving Next-Gen Call Center Coaching Efficiency with Everyday AI

The collaboration with AmplifAI took Chewy's call center’s coaching efficiency to a new level. Supervisors are more empowered, agents are better trained, and customers are happier.

This journey shows the transformative power of leveraging the right technology. Through AmplifAI’s smart, AI-driven processes and actionable insights, the pet product company continues to expand its commitment to unmatched customer service.


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